Category Archives: Uncategorized

Feeling depressed?

Feeling depressed? Your not alone! Many of my clients have been diagnosed with depression, and feel they cant get better, and stay on prescribed medication. Most often Intuitively I get it’s diet related. I wasn’t surprised when I read this article on the “top 5 foods that cause depression”… 5 Foods That Can Cause Depression […]

Happy Tuesday…

Happy Tuesday! When we sit in silence and allow ideas to flow easily through our minds, is when we are allowing the power of grace to occur. And when we force the unknown to occur, we cause resistance. What do you desire today? Enjoy today’s sunrise, and sit in silence, and see what happens…

Happy Fabulous Friday!

Happy Fabulous Friday! Look how amazing the sunrise looks today. Even the birds cooperated for this picture. When we start our day knowing and feeling the day is going to be fabulous, guess what, your intentions will manifest your thoughts. So today, do what ever makes you feel happy, you never know, it may change […]