Happy Fabulous Friday! Look how amazing the sunrise looks today. Even the birds cooperated for this picture. When we start our day knowing and feeling the day is going to be fabulous, guess what, your intentions will manifest your thoughts. So today, do what ever makes you feel happy, you never know, it may change […]
Today’s guided message…”Your on the right path, keep going! Don’t let fear hold you back, you’re almost there.” ~ Deirdre Balarezo Abrami www.deirdreabrami.com
Happy Thankful Thursday!! Feeling very grateful of all the opportunities I have been given, feeling blessed of all the love I receive, and feeling very thankful I am connecting with you today… When you have a daily mantra of feeling grateful, doors of opportunities open wide and healing begins. So start today, and list all […]
Happy Wake Up Wednesday! It’s time to awaken your soul! What have you been thinking about accomplishing and feel you can’t? With daily meditation and keeping your mind still, you will begin waking up your inner guidance system. This is an internal device that will steer you in the right direction to accomplish anything you […]
Today’s guided message…”Success is on its way! You’re on the right path, keep going and listen to your intuition!” ~ Deirdre Balarezo Abrami www.deirdreabrami.com
Happy Trusting Tuesday!! God is talking to you, are you listening? Watching this sunrise this morning made me realize all the big signs God is has been sending me. The only challenge is me trusting these signs. At what point do we say to ourselves, I believe and trust? Well hopefully you don’t wait too […]
Today’s guided message…”When I keep my energy is high, I am able manifest great things!” ~ Deirdre Balarezo Abrami www.deirdreabrami.com
Happy Motivated Monday! Although it was tough, I was up at 5am this morning and went to the gym with my daughter. As I’m running on the treadmill, I’m being inspired how to accomplish goals I’m desiring. I notice the more I run, the more ideas flow. So I’m feeling very thankful I was motivated […]