Happy Wednesday!! What a beautiful morning it is at the beach. I love filling my lungs with the salt air, it feels so refreshing. The tide is low now, and all you see are seashells on the shore. I notice a single foot print embedded in the sand. During my meditation I’m guided to talk about how each of us leaves a foot print everywhere we go. We all equally matter. Never think you are not noticed, because you are. Although at times you may feel alone and unheard, it’s all an illusion. We are never spiritually speaking alone. Once we learn how to connect with this limitless all knowing energy, the feeling of loneliness disappears. How can you feel this energy?? Just be still. That’s it, it’s that simple. Make your chatter box mind quiet, and allow great wisdom calm you and speak to you through your heart. Use calming music to assist you with quieting the mind, if you are having trouble especially at night. Turn off all phones, computers, TV’s and other electronics and just be still. I promise you will begin feeling incredible love and energy taking over. Begin this practice today, and leave your foot print for others to see.
Xoxo Deirdre Balarezo Abrami, Deirdre Abrami